Websites are still important for marketing your services online, but they are no longer the only online presence you can use. Social media is ingrained in most people's lives; and with the rise of mobile devices, people are connected to their social media pages nearly 24/7. As a business owner, it becomes essential to have a presence in social media. The best part is, it's all free. you can boost your marketing incredibly by creating a page on two or three social media services.
The Big Three
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are three of the larger social media services available. Creating a page on one of these services is free and simple. Once you have created your page, direct people to it by mentioning it in your newsletter, adding the URL of your social media site to your email signature, or providing links to your media page throughout your website. Daily or weekly simple personal posts that mention your services, special promotions, or just your website will help you market your services resulting in increased business.
Other Social media sites such as Youtube and Pinterest can also be effectively used to bring your products and services to the masses.
Social Media increases SEO
Social media marketing is also very important for competitive search engine optimization because search engines, including Google and Bing, use data from your social media pages to rank your site. Using social media helps you to have more of a presence online which in most cases leads to an increase in business.
Social media is too important to be ignored these days. For example, one simple post on Facebook can be shared multiple times to affect people who didn't even know your company existed. Needless to say, this can boost awareness about your products and services and bring you an increase in business very quickly. Social media spreads awareness about your business and brand far more quickly than any other marketing means at a price tag everyone can afford: FREE. Don't ignore it!
If you need help in starting a social media campaign then consider contacting EM Web Design for help in writing content and incorporating your Social media pages into your website.
Jonathan Carpenter
Web Developer
Segunda, Julho 29, 2013