Our client area has a new face! Over the weekend, we rolled out our new design for our billing system aka client area. You can see this awesome new design at https://clientarea.emwd.com.

This new design incorporates flat web design elements and a responsive design layout. This means that our client area is mobile-friendly and almost every task our clients need to do can be done on any device including smart phones, tablets, and of course desktops. The new look is very user-friendly with improved typology, responsive menus, and fast load times.

We have many plans for the future as we look to expand the functionality of our client area. This week we are rolling out a cPanel extended feature that will allow our shared hosting clients to accomplish a number of common cPanel tasks via their client area. This will make it easier for our clients to manage their shared hosting account using one interface instead of many.

Let us know what you think of our new look for our client area. Feedback of every kind is very important to us.

As always, thank you for using EMWD.com!

الاثنين, اكتوبر/العاشر 6, 2014

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