Headers and Footers

You can add text to the top or the bottom of all messages that go out to your members. There are different settings for digest messages and non-digest messages. (Digests are collections of a day or so worth of messages sent as a single messages.) Look in the Digest and Non-digest Configuration Category for the “header” or “footer” text to add to the top or bottom of each message.

By default, a message has no header. It has a footer that looks something like:

Listname mailing list

You can add whatever you want around that text in your configuration pages, or you can replace it entirely.


Substitution codes

When you look at your footer’s text in your configuration page, it contains strange codes:


%(real_name)s mailing list




These codes are replaced by relevant information about your list, so that if you later change that information (such as the description, or if we change the web site that handles Mailman management) it will change in your footer or header automatically.

The form of the code is “%(code)s”. The available codes are:

real_name The ‘pretty’ name of the list; usually the list name with capitalization.
list_name The name by which the list is identified in URLs, where case is significant.
host_name The full domain name that the list server runs on.
web_page_url The base URL for Mailman. This can be appended with further parts of a URL, for example “%(web_page_url)slistinfo/%(list_name)s” to yield the listinfo page for the mailing list.
description The brief description of the mailing list.
info The full description of the mailing list.
cgiext The extension added to CGI scripts. (You won’t generally need this.)
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