Once you have FrontPage 2003 open you will need to go to "view" then to "Remote Web Site" if "Remote Web Site" is grayed out that means that you either have not saved your website correctly or you have not yet created one.

Once you open the "Remote Web Site" screen you will need to select how you want to connect to your server, click on
"Remote Web Site Properties"

In the Options window that opens up you will need to
1. Select "FTP"
2. Enter in your ftp address (ftp://yourwebsite.com)
3. Enter in your FTP directory... DO NOT LEAVE THIS EMPTY this is where FrontPage 2003 will upload your website to, you need to enter in public_html
4. Select "Passive Mode" without this your not getting anywhere.

Then you will have to enter your login information, This is same login information that you use to login to the cPanel.

That's it. You can now upload your files. You will see the following when your connected, your local files that are on your computer will be on the left side and your EMWD account will be on your left.