Question: Some postings get moderated and I see the message "Too many recipients to the message", how do I fix this?
There are one of two answers:
A. The message "Too many recipients to the message" can be caused by a setting in the Admin page for the list under Privacy options -> Recipient filters:
Ceiling on acceptable number of recipients for a posting. 10
Try changing this to a larger number (say 50), or 0 (setting it to zero will turn the check off), or perhaps not have a big cc list when
sending to the list.
B. It can also occur when you have one list (an umbrella list) which is forwarding messages to another list.
Go to Privacy options -> Recipient filters
Look for the entry:
Alias names (regexps) which qualify as explicit to or cc destination names for this list.
Add the name(s) of any list which is sending to this list.