How to Submit a Good Support Ticket

So you have recently found out there’s a problem with your website or email. You need to get this service working fast. You desperately need our support team to deliver a quick solution. Hey, we totally agree with you!

To diagnose and fix the problem, we need detailed information to understand and correct the error you received. The more specific you are, the faster we can get you back in business. A great, informative support ticket answers several questions. Here are at least four questions you should ask and answer when submitting a ticket. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list.

1. Where did the error occur? Provide the URL and the browser you were on when you experienced this issue with your website. If you were using your email program, let us know what email address and email program you were using.

2. What did it look like on your screen? Provide documentation, details and screenshots when possible. It is especially important to let us know what the error message is that is being displayed. If no error message is being displayed then let us know in detail what you are trying to do and what is supposed to be happening.

3. Did you attempt to fix the problem? If you attempted to troubleshoot, provide the steps you took and their results.

4. Have I outlined the steps for my tech support to reproduce the problem? If relevent, outline the steps that you have taken that produced the error. Sometimes errors show up in an area of a website that is password protected. Please provide the login that we need to reproduce your problem.

Some things to avoid:

a. Avoid general language. "My email is not working" causes us to stare blankly at your support ticket. Instead say something like "Hey, I am having problems with my email. My email address is and I can receive email but I cannot send. My outgoing mail server is and the error message is "some error message that only support gurus can understand". The latter reply will get your problem fixed in record time!

b. Avoid duplicate tickets. Please give us a chance to answer a support ticket and do not open up multiple tickets for the same issue.

c. Use separate tickets for separate problems. Do not use one support ticket to describe 3 problems. Open up three separate support tickets for each problem.

Follow the guidelines here, and watch the support roll in.

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