Setup Email Forwarders

If you have registered a domain name with us, then you can use our domain management tools to forward email accounts that use your domain name to an off-server email address such as your gmail account. In order to use this feature please make sure your domain name is pointed to the following namesevers:

Please note using the above nameservers assumes you are not using a web hosting service associated with that domain name. If you are then do not use the above nameservers and instead contact your hosting provider about how to setup email forwarders using their system.

Here is how to setup an email forwarder:

1. Log into your client area at

2. Click on Active Domains or select Domains --> My Domains from the top menu bar.

3. Click on Manage Domain on row of the domain name that you wish to setup forwarders for.

4. Click on Management Tools -- Manage Email Forwards

5. On the Email Forwarding page, you can create as many email forwarders as you need.

If you have any questions regarding this feature then please feel free to fill out a support ticket and it will be our pleasure to assist you.
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